Primary Education - CPD Training

E Learning CPD Accredited Courses

SALT (Speech and Language Therapy) Training

SALT (Speech and Language Therapy) Training

online in your own time

£10.95 excl. VAT

This comprehensive online Speech And Language Therapy course provides Staff with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively assist individuals with a Developmental Language Disorder. Learners will delve into understanding the relevant legislation, key guidance in support, enhancing vocabulary-building strategies within their practice, gaining insights into the causes, risks, and various types of Echolalia, and acquiring techniques to effectively manage and regulate emotions.

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Autism Awareness in Education

Autism Awareness in Education

30-60 Minutes | Free for Members

£15.00 excl. VAT

This Autism Awareness course is great for those whose role incudes supporting autistic people. Learners will understand more about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) and how to assist those on the autistic spectrum. Meet CQC requirements easily today!

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Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse Childhood Experiences

30 - 60 Minutes

£10.00 excl. VAT

To help staff support children or young people who have suffered from ACEs, this online course teaches learners how to recognise what ACEs are, the trauma attached to them, and identify protective factors.

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Prevent Duty Explained

Prevent Duty Explained

1 Hour | Free for Members

£20.00 excl. VAT

Prevent Duty Explained is an ideal course for those working in the early years sector who have daily contact with children and families. This course will guide you in understanding your Prevent responsibilities and know how to recognise signs of concern.

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Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

1-1.5 Hours

£19.95 excl. VAT

Bullying and Harassment in the work place

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Mental Health Awareness for Leaders

Mental Health Awareness for Leaders


£35.00 excl. VAT

Suitable for Leaders and Managers

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Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Schools

Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Schools

online in your own time

£9.95 excl. VAT

It's important those working in education know the differences between healthy and harmful sexual behaviours and what to do if a child or young person has experienced it. This Harmful Sexual Behaviour training course will give your staff all the sexually harmful behaviour resources to recognise, support and report any concerns they may have.

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Safeguarding Level 1

Safeguarding Level 1

online in your own time

£15.99 excl. VAT

The Department of Education states that 'anyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children'. It's the duty of the schools to ensure their staff have up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding policies, legislation and guidance so they can keep children and young people safe from harm. We also offer Safeguarding Children Level 2 and Level 3. If you’re unsure about which level is best for your staff, get in touch today and we’ll help you match your needs

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 Child Protection in Sport and Active Leisure

Child Protection in Sport and Active Leisure

online in your own time

£15.99 excl. VAT

Any person that is involved in the organisation, delivery or supervision of sport & active leisure activities for children has a responsibility for child protection. Our Child Protection in Sport training course is designed exactly for these people. During this Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sports course, learners will be taught the forms of child abuse, how to identify the signs of abuse, how to respond if a child confides in you, and the process for reporting abuse.

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Peer on Peer Abuse

Peer on Peer Abuse

online in your own time

£9.95 excl. VAT

ll staff should be able to recognise the indicators and signs of peer-on-peer abuse. It's important to remember that children can abuse other children whether it's online, inside or outside of educational settings. This online Peer-on-Peer Abuse training is perfect for staff working in primary schools, secondary schools and colleges

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Modern Day Slavery Awareness

Modern Day Slavery Awareness

online in your own time

£9.95 excl. VAT

Our Modern Day Slavery Awareness training course provides the knowledge on how to report, acknowledge and how to handle modern slavery in and around the workplace.

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Serious Youth violence Training

Serious Youth violence Training

online in your own time

£9.95 excl. VAT

Our Serious Youth Violence training course is great for those working with young people. It will give your staff a greater understanding of serious youth violence, how it impacts the individual and the community, the signs and risk factors that can lead to criminal exploitation and the steps to support individuals. Upon successful completion, the learner will gain a downloadable and printable Serious Youth Violence training certificate.

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County Lines and Knife Crime

County Lines and Knife Crime

30-60 Minutes|Free for Members

£10.00 excl. VAT

This County Lines & Knife Crime training course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand, identify and support children and young people who may be vulnerable to exploitation and at risk of being recruited into county lines and involved in knife crime.

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Cyber Security in Education

Cyber Security in Education

30-60 Minutes|Free for Members

£10.00 excl. VAT

This online Cyber Security course for schools is designed to help your staff manage key cyber threats facing schools and will teach them how to improve your school’s cyber resilience. This Cyber Security training is specifically aimed at companies in the education sector.

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Administration of Medication in Schools

Administration of Medication in Schools

Online in your own time

£9.95 excl. VAT

This Administration of Medication in Schools training course teaches staff the requirements for record keeping, how to plan for activities outside of schools, recognise the principles for safe practice in administering medication, how to administer prescribed medicine, and the laws that apply to the administration of medication in schools. Schools must have procedures and policies in place for the administration of medication to children and young people in order to clarify responsibilities.

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Food Allergen Tool Kit

Food Allergen Tool Kit


Food Allergen Tool Kit

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Mental Wellbeing in Children & Young people

Mental Wellbeing in Children & Young people

online in your own time

£5.00 excl. VAT

Our Children’s Mental Wellbeing training in schools ensures your staff can understand and identify mental health, and how it can affect children and young people. This course is great for those who work with or around children, including teachers, headteachers or senior leaders, teaching assistants, sports coaches, and childminders.

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 Fire Safety in Education

Fire Safety in Education

online in your own time

£10.00 excl. VAT

Anyone who works in an education setting is required by law to partake in fire safety training. This Fire Safety Training in education course will assist your Setting in meeting this requirement by providing employees with the knowledge they need to maintain fire safety measures and follow evacuation protocols.

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Food Safety Online Course - Level 3

Food Safety Online Course - Level 3

30 - 60 Minutes

£12.00 excl. VAT

It is vital for anyone preparing and handling food (or supervising anyone) as part of their role to understand and implement food safety. The aim of this online food safety course is to increase your knowledge of your role in food safety, as well as the relevant laws and legislation.

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Understanding Anaphylaxis

Understanding Anaphylaxis

online in your own time

£12.00 excl. VAT

Our Understanding Anaphylaxis training courses ensure your staff can understand and identify what anaphylaxis is and how to treat and deal with emergency situations in educational settings. This training is great for those working with or around children, including childminders, and those working in food preparation in these institutions.

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