Food Safety Online Course - Level 3

It is vital for anyone preparing and handling food (or supervising anyone) as part of their role to understand and implement food safety. The aim of this online food safety course is to increase your knowledge of your role in food safety, as well as the relevant laws and legislation.


The importance of protecting your customers is paramount. Keeping a HACCP system to prevent contamination is critical in protecting your customers, as well as improving the quality of your product. 

This online food safety course is an accredited CPD-certified course and is completed online in your own time, usually taking between 30-60 mins.

Upon completion of this online food safety course, learners should know and understand the following:


  • Understand your role and responsibilities

  • Identify risks and hazards and how to prevent them

  • Develop and maintain a HACCP systems

  • Illness Prevention

  • Legal impacts of illness

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