If you manage or oversee workers who could encounter hazardous substances or if you're required to work with any hazardous substances as part of your day-to-day job, then you need COSHH training. COSHH applies to all industries using harmful substances.


ur Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Awareness training gives learners an understanding of COSHH Regulations 2002 and covers hazardous substance and chemical safety in the workplace. Exposure to harmful working conditions can result in fatal diseases so employers are legally required to meet COSHH regulations and the HSE state that employers must provide information, training and instruction for employees who work with substances hazardous to health.

The aim of this COSHH Awareness Training Course is to greater increase your knowledge of COSHH, the risks involved and the relevant COSHH legislation.  

The key points covered in this course are:

  • COSHH regulations 2002, European CLP regulations & regulatory compliance 
  • COSHH risk assessment & Safety procedures 
  • COSHH symbols 
  • Learning and defining hazardous substances 
  • Effects on health