Legionella Awareness

Legionella Awareness with free Risk Assessment


Being able to recognise the signs and implications of a Legionnaires' disease outbreak is highly important in being able to look after Children and staff in a sufficient manner. Knowing how it can occur within a water handling system will help you evaluate the issue and report it should a problem arise.



The aim of this course is to greater increase your knowledge of Legionnaires' disease and water handling systems, as well as the relevant legislation. 

On completion of this course, learners should know and understand the following:
  • Recognise the implications of a Legionnaires' disease outbreak
  • Summarise how Legionnaires' outbreaks can occur in water handling systems
  • Identify relevant legislation and the requirements for compliance
  • Recognise the role of water handling system owners
  • Recognise the role of water handling systems safety providers
  • Identify higher risk water handling system