Pick and Mix Bespoke Staff Training Day

We now have New Flexible Options Choose between 2-4 of our training courses from our website, or if you have a specific training need let us know and we can write the course for you! We can offer This is a full day onsite, 4hr visit or try our Twilight Session for 3 hours We include an amazing team-building session for you and your staff


Please get in touch to receive a complimentary training telephone consultation to plan your training day and energise your team for 2023!


It was great to finally be able to offer some in person training to our staff. The staff from our 2 settings had a range of experience which Lucy was able to cater for and provide the relevant information too. Staff have all commented how much more confident they feel when we get the knock on the door from Ofsted! The safeguarding particularly was very informative, and Lucy made sure that she covered everything. Lucy allowed the staff to ask questions during the sessions which also really helped. We will definitely use Lucy for more training days in the future.

C Hull 


We had a brilliant in person training day on Saturday 5th March. Lucy made the training relevant to our two settings, it was fun and informative and flew by! We will definitely look to book more training with you. Thank you.

T Ward 

Thank you  so much  for  the training you  delivered last  Saturday. I feel the staff really responded well to the training. Justyna and I  had a debrief the following week and we can see how it reenergised and motivated the staff.

Pai - Nursery Director