Promoting Positive Behaviour

This course is suitable for all practitioners and childminders working in an Early Years provision.



Course content

  • To be familiar with the statutory and non-statutory guidance related to managing feelings and behaviour
  • Understand why children display unwanted behaviours
  • Know some strategies that you can use with children in your settings
  • Environments and routines to support all children
  • Working in Partnership with Parents and Carers
  • Seeking support from Multi Agency Professionals


I would like to thank the team for an informative training session on Promoting Positive Behaviour. The course had some great suggestions for strategies, and it was a pity there was only one other practitioner on the course with me as I think the content is suitable for all practitioners: from Managers to new practitioners. - L Tuohy 


This was a fantastically useful course. Just the right level of detail and very thought provoking. Thank you for such a clear, concise, and appropriate training course. - A Clark 

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