In The Moment Planning

An introduction course to ‘In The Moment Planning’ This live training explores how to implement child-led activities based on their interests; without the need of a topic-based or heavy paperwork approach.


Course Content:

  • During this live training, we aim to explore exactly what is meant by ‘in the moment planning’ and how to implement it successfully into your setting. 
  • We will look at how to bring the children’s interests to life; understand the role of the adult;  and how to identify the key teachable moments during the day. 
  • Using a child-let approach with an enriching environment, continuous provision and carefully selected resources, the aim is to assess children’s progress to identify what they need to know to move their learning on. Keeping the child in the centre of everything we do.


I did a training course recently and it was very informative. I learnt so much and am so glad l did it - Google Review - A Fujiwara


A very informative course covering in the moment planning in practice, also what an Ofsted inspector would look for (intent, implantation, impact) and details of the new EYFS so it was up to date. Highly recommend for all early years settings. - Victoria 


"Brilliant training! Loved how passionate the trainer was and how she spoke with such enthusiasm. (It was clear from the beginning she has a lot of Early Years experience) The training was so informative and delivered in a way that engaged staff and got their brains ticking! Will absolutely be using training early years again in the future." - Kelly


Excellent training with a passionate trainer who clearly knew her stuff and as an Ofsted inspector indicated what inspectors really look for! Wish I had done whole setting training! Will definitely use again! - C Billingham 


Thank you so much I’ve enjoyed listening and learning. I feel very confident now for our setting - Lucie


Thank you for this session, it was very informative. - Julie


Brilliant training – a great overview to get us started in our setting - Chris

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