Use of Reasonable Force in Schools

All members of the school personnel have the legal authority to use reasonable force on and off school grounds if they have lawful control or are in charge of the student in question. It is down to the professional judgement of the staff member concerned and has to be judged on a case-by-case basis. This Reasonable Force in Schools course will teach your staff when it can be used and what is acceptable.


Staff members may be concerned that using reasonable force in schools may result in false charges of unreasonable or criminal behaviour, which could result in a complaint or legal action. However, if the force used is reasonable, all employees will be able to defend themselves effectively against any claims. This guideline is intended to give employees more confidence in using force when they believe it is appropriate and necessary.

The key points covered in this course are:

  • What reasonable force in schools is
  • Identify situations
  • Understand the law
  • Other occasions
  • Further sources