Early Years Leadership and Management

Audience and Aim: This course is aimed at a deputy manager who wish to step up in the absence of the manager. Directors, owners and established managers who wish to extend their knowledge and skills in leadership and management. 3.23 (Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage) The provider must ensure there is a named deputy who, in their judgement, is capable and qualified to take charge in the managers absence.


 Course Details:

  • To develop a good awareness of the roles and responsibilities of being an effective leader and manager
  • To gain a better awareness of monitoring, good supervision and appraisals
  • To extend experience of how to evaluate staff interactions and the impact of learning for children
  • To review team building and staff well-being
  • To know about the current legal requirements of the revised EYFS


Very well-presented training. Opportunities to ask questions and interact. I came away with more to add to my personal toolbox. So well worth signing up for this course. - J Comer 


Training was very supportive of myself as a new manager and for my newly appointed deputy. There were plenty of opportunities to ask questions which supported individual needs. Definitely worth doing as a new manager. - R Martin 


A highly informative training session, that encapsulated many tools for staff and setting progression. As an online session, I feel it would have offered more to share practice and experiences with one another. However, it was a thorough and empowering experience. - Christie 

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the opportunity to participate in your course. It was truly enriching to learn from your expertise and guidance. - Zorica

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